
It's difficult to wander into a stranger's office and bear your soul. I know because I once had to do it myself. I became a therapist to share with others the life changing lessons I learned through my own process of recovery.
Life is full of challenges and sometimes we have the tools to face these challenges and sometimes we don't. I hope that we can figure out what tools you have and what new tools you need to help you face your own distinct challenges.
I am an integrative, striaght-forward therapist. I have a directive approach that incorporates cognitive-behavioral techniques, family systems therapy, and EMDR.
Basically, it gives us anxiety to be human, because life is stressful. Your family of origin either gave you lots of tools to manage these stressors, gave only a few, or actually made it harder for you. All families do this in different ways. We'll explore those ways and then add to the tool box you already have, or build up one that you may not have been given.
Studies show that the most important part of therapy is that you like your therapist and feel that your therapist likes you. So let's meet and see if we're a good fit! If not, That's ok too. I'll do my best to set you up with someone who might be better suited to meet your needs.
I do have a therapy dog that attends all sessions with me in my office.